What is ICNA Education

ICNA Education aims to provide an accessible platform for people seeking spiritual growth by acquiring sound Islamic knowledge.

What Sets ICNA Education Apart?

There are many institutions focused on providing Islamic education. Each institution brings their own unique methodology of religious instruction, thus fortifying the greater Muslim community through this rich diversity.

ICNA Education seeks to provide a holistic approach of Islamic personality-development through mentorship and didactics.  Our goal is to build a movement of students of the Islamic sciences that have a strong foundation in the Islamic tradition and research methodology.  It is this community of students and scholars–with relationships of mutual growth–that shall transcend theoretics to engage the ideological and spiritual ills of society.  It is this fusion of knowledge and activism that inspires our entire project.

Indisputable Truth:
Summer ILM

Our most popular offering is the Summer Intensive Program – Indisputable Truth, which provides students with 60 hours of instruction that lay out principles of Islamic thought rooted in the Quran, Sunnah and scholarly discourse of the last 1000 years. This program also provides students with the intellectual anchoring required to work through doubts and questions regarding the authenticity of Islam.

Ijaza Programs,
40 Hadith,
Shamail Tirmidhi

ILF offers numerous courses, all of which have been developed by bonafide scholars. Our courses integrate contemporary thought with traditional discourse with an emphasis on research. A number of our students have gone on to receive Ijazaat (traditional licenses of learning) for hadith collections such as the Forty Hadith of Imam Nawawi and the Shamail of Imam Tirmidhi.

What’s Next For
ICNA Education?

One Year Islamic Seminary

ICNA Education plans to establish a full-time, 1-year Islamic studies program. This program shall provide instruction of the foundational Islamic sciences while providing essential skill development such as writing arts, speaking craft, therapeutic listening, crisis management, project management, and research methodology.  This program is unique in that it will be one of very few programs in the country which will be taught entirely in the English language.  However, elective Arabic studies will also be available for students interested.